- What is the cancellation policy?
My cancellation policy is a minimum of 24 hours notice, please, to avoid a $50 charge
- Why Massage?
Bob Hope (remember him?) had a massage every day! and lived to be 100 years old! In an old TV interview, he attributed a lot of his good health to his daily massage.
Of course, not ALL of us can have a professional massage every day, but we can have one once a week, or twice a month or… and Peter can show you how he utilizes simple things (like tennis balls) to give yourself a massage every morning!
There are so many benefits you receive from getting massage! I will add to the list later, as this website develops…
- What should I wear?
Come to your appointment as you are.
We recommend that you dress or undress to your OWN level of comfort. Many people leave on some of their under-garments and many remove all their clothes.
The most important thing is that YOU are comfortable and be relaxed. Whatever you leave on or take off, I can workaround.
- What is the difference between using oil, lotion or no oil?
When a massage uses oil or lotion, then the hands or forearms etc “glide” across the skin.. this is great for relaxation and for the long “stripping” strokes of Deep Tissue. The oil of lotion is great for you skin, especially dry skin to make it softer and more supple and hydrated.
Not using oil, say in a Shiatsu or Thai massage, we can perform many of the same motions or techniques, but we cannot “glide” across the skin, Instead we apply pressure in more of a pulsing manner, through your loose, comfy clothing. Or pressing in and out slowly, with your breathing to achieve much the same effect as the “oil” massage.
- Can you recommend exercises, stretches and diet changes?
Yes, all of the above! Health has been my passion, my hobby – what I read and research every day. Plus, I have worked with many, many health-passionate professionals and have picked up many great “tips” which have helped me and my massage clients and patients.
If you have problems in your shoulders, knees, low back, neck – any joint – etc, I can offer you a variety of stretches and exercises which have helped me and those I work on. I can also refer you to a top-notch Physical Therapist, Chiropractor, etc.
Diet? Yes, I have found making simple, practical, “do-able” diet changes – such as drinking iced green tea with jasmine and stevia sweetener to replace diet colas has made me feel much better, many years ago, thankfully. And we can go much, much deeper into this subject if you want to. As one who can “gain weight listening to dinner music” I have also learned many tips which make losing and maintaining healthy weight much more achievable.
- Can I have a massage with no oil?
Yes! Absolutely! Peter can customize any massage you have. Several massage techniques use no oil at all – Shiatsu and Thai massage. Both are usually full body massages using deep to soft pressure and can be very therapeutic or very relaxing. It’s all YOUR choice.
- Why do I need to drink after a massage?
Because of the debris, toxins etc that were sitting around in your blood and lymph circulation vessels and in your tissues that was suddenly forced out of hiding from the pressure and the direction of the massage strokes. Drinking extra water helps your kidneys, your liver, your lungs and you bowel to process these unwanted items out of your body.
If someone does NOT drink extra water after a massage, once in awhile they will suffer from a slight headache, or have a more achy body than if they had drank extra water.
We also recommend having a good steam or sweat after a massage, along with the extra water to help you body eliminate the toxins, etc through the sweat.