This is for my friends and clients who tell me things like → I know I need to do something, such as exercise, because I’m starting to notice I don’t have much energy these days. Plus, I don’t sleep that well and my back and neck hurt. And I’m only 40! I’m getting old, I […]
From Elite Athlete to Computer Captive: Why Deep Tissue Massage Works
What exactly IS Deep Tissue Massage? Deep Tissue Massage is a style of massage, not a specific technique. First – In Deep Tissue, the therapist’s movements are slower. Your massage therapist’s movements will generally be slower, allowing you time to take a deep breath and absorb the sensation in your body. When a massage is […]
Got 15 Minutes a Day to Get Out of Pain? Part One – Low Back
Got 15 minutes a day to STOP your Low Back Pain forever? Read on: In this blog, I will share with you the ways I help clients and myself with low back pain. How to get out – and STAY OUT – of pain. I will go over massage techniques, stretches, and a couple of […]
Three Tips to Guarantee Your Bicycle Season Isn’t Derailed by Joint Pain
Bicycle season is here! Portland offers so many great trails and bike adventures – no one wants to be sidelined from getting on their bike because of preventable joint pain. Especially not during the prime season! Our three cycling self-care tips will give you more power so you can ride faster and further and will […]
Peter: What Type of Massage Do You Do?
Here is the simple and short answer: If you want Deep Tissue, which is what 70% of my clients ask for, then I do Deep Tissue. Yes, I can go deep, IF that’s what you want. No one has complained about pressure that is too light or too deep in 30 years during a regular […]
How One Stretch Stopped My Back Pain and Changed My Life
Does your low back ever hurt? My low back hurt for more than ten years, and the only solution my doctor(s) gave me was pills. There was never any mention of stretching, exercise, or physical therapy. I still recommend you go to a doctor like I did so that they can rule out anything serious, […]
Good Sleep: The Secret Weapon of Elite Athletes and Straight-A Students!
Do you crave sleep or fight sleep? Are you so driven and ambitious that you feel sleep is a weakness which gets in your way? Or are you the opposite? You sleep so poorly that you struggle to stay awake in meetings or at work when you are performing detailed work like surgery? What you […]
Your Calling Awaits – How I First Discovered My True Passion for Massage
Massage Therapy? What’s that? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, in the 70s. During my whole time there, until I left at age 18, I never once heard of Massage Therapy as something people did. It just didn’t exist in my small world. It was a different world then. Most people in Dallas focused on […]
My 30+ Year Practice Can Help Your Fun, Pain Free, and Active Lifestyle
I will be sharing my collection of self-care ideas and techniques in upcoming blogs. I have slowly acquired these tips wherever they presented themselves over the last 30 years. And they came from everywhere – therapist friends, clients, Physical Therapists, reading health articles, continuing education classes, and more. My goal is to speed up YOUR […]